Making an Entrance

The most strenuous and difficult projects are often the most rewarding. I know this, but I still agonize over them. I wonder – what if I can’t complete the task or what if it doesn’t turn out the way I expected. Rarely am I satisfied with my work, so the later concern is always topmost […]

Spring Ephemerals & Other Delights

Planning and constructing a garden is exhilarating. There is no end to the possibilities, challenges and rewards from the garden. Gardens are nothing if not surprising places. A gardener can plan, plant, sculpt and otherwise attempt to influence nature, but it is ultimately nature herself who will decide what works best. Each generation of property […]

Nature is Full of Surprises

Easter Sunday surprised me with the first blooms of the trout lilies in the woodland garden. To some these flowers are known as dog-toothed violets. The scientific name is Erythronium Americanum. Nature surprised me with these delightful diminutive flowers. I did not plant them. With the removal of the invasive honeysuckle the trout lilies are […]