Building A Ramp

One of my neighbors has Parkinson’s Disease. He gets around on a motorized chair and uses an electric lawn mower around the yard. He is an inspiration, as he does not let his condition stop him. He is more active than most people in spite of the disease. His wife commented one day it would […]

Winter Work in the Woodland Garden

Even in winter progress has been made on the woodland garden. We have had some slightly warmer and sunnier days this week. I hired a local landscaper, Lynn Warren, to help me with the removal of all the debris I generated over the summer and fall in the woodland garden. I had large piles of […]

Multiflora Rose

“What’s in a name? That which we call a rose. By any other name would smell as sweet.” Shakespeare famously wrote these lines in Romeo and Juliet. In my woodland garden I have altered them. A multiflora rose by any other name would still be a pest! New York has a list of invasive plants, […]