Creative Leaf Raking

Raking leaves doesn’t have to be boring. While looking at the bright crimson leaves from the maple tree, I hit upon an idea. Most of the leaves in my yard, after they have fallen, are a shade of yellow. The featured image photo shows my neighbor’s maple with a bright red circle on the ground. It helped inspire me – I could rake some of the leaves in contrasting colors.

Two semi-circle raised beds with yellow and red leaves. Beyond is the entrance to the woodland garden and another semi-circle at the start of the path into the woodland.
The view looking from the woodland garden. The stone path is an old one and will be reset next year.

After they were tilled under, the raised beds at the far end of the picnic area were just bare dirt. I had always intended to cover them with a blanket of leaves for the winter. The leaves will partially decompose and then be turned into the soil come Spring, providing rich nutrients to the flowers I will plant.

Another view of the red and yellow leaves.
Red leaves next to the woodland stream.

I first put down a layer of yellow leaves on the entire bed, followed by a smaller semi-circle of red leaves. Instant large scale art! The effect will fade over time, as the leaves will turn brown with age and exposure to sunlight. In the meantime, I have a little bit of whimsical color to brighten this cloudy and rainy day.

The source of the red leaves. I left a small amount at the base of the tree, on top of the mulch, to give a nice contrast with the grass.